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(MITI) Curriculum


The following information spells out the courses offered at MITI. Based upon the perceived and stated needs of the teacher and students respectively, the structure of the classes may alter from time to time as well as the duration of the classes may change to accommodate additional needed classroom instruction. It is expected that the curriculum will be completed in its entirety as a requirement for ordination recommendation. During or after the completion of each section of the syllabus, the student may be tested as to their knowledge of the material, their completion of reading assignments, and it is expected that the student will be able to show competency of the same with a minimum grade of eighty (80) percent. Further, all assigned written and reading materials are due on time without exception (emergencies or uncontrollable events will be handled on an individual basis), and they should be typed in double space Turabian format. Finally, the tuition for these courses is based upon two criteria. First, the number of classes for a particular subject will determine the Tuition Fee. Second, members of Redemptive Life Christian Fellowship will pay “In-House” (IH) fees, whereas non-members (NM) will pay separate fees. All fees are due no later than the second week of classes. Tuition fees will cover: printing, written materials, resources, certificates, administrative and Professor/Teacher fees. Checks should be made payable to Teach, Touch, Transform Institute. Online giving is acceptable through Cash App, Zelle, PayPal and Easy Tithe. Finally, classes will be held weekly excluding the months of July and December. Based upon the direction of each Professor/Instructor, course meeting days and times may be altered, but classroom attendance and the associated classroom hours will be strictly maintained.




  1. Basics: Professors and Teachers: (1 Session)

    1. Biblical and Institute Expectations… Student Expectations (1 Session)

    2. This session will take between 1-2 hours

  2. The Inner Voice: Bishop Dr. Mark Thompson- (6 Sessions)  

    1. Listening to the Inner Life

    2. When Way Becomes Closed

    3. Leading from Within

  3. Pastoral Care: Dr. Jaye-Lynn Peabody-Smith (6 Sessions)  

    1. Pastoral Care in the Church

    2. Crisis Intervention

    3. Ministerial Self-Reflection

  4. Introduction to Theology: Rev. Zelia Harvey (8 Sessions)  

    1. What is Theology

    2. How does Theological study inform us about God

    3. What shapes our understanding of scripture as it relates to our study of God

  5. Advanced Theology- Rev. Zelia Harvey (8 Sessions)  

    1. Who is God

    2. Who is Jesus Christ

    3. Why the Cross

    4. How do I respond to: Homosexuality, AIDS, Prosperity Ministry Other…

    5. Where is God during catastrophes

  6. Field Education

    1. This course involves six (6) weeks of on-site training/ministry at a location of the student's choice

  7. Pastoral Ethics - Bishop Dr. Mark Thompson (8 Sessions)  

    1. What is Ethics

    2. Who decides ethical standards

    3. What are Christian Ethics

  8. Introduction to Preaching - Dr. Kathi Chavous (8 Sessions)  

    1. How to Develop a Sermon

    2. How to research a Sermon

    3. Sermon delivery

    4. Sermon Critiquing

  9. Advanced Preaching - Dr. Kathi Chavous (8 Sessions)  

    1. Sermon Benchmarking

    2. Homiletics Studies

  10. Ministerial Leadership - Bishop Dr. Mark Thompson (8 Sessions)  

    1. What is Leadership

    2. New age Leadership Traits and Tactics

    3. Determining your Leadership Styles

  11. Church Administration- Rev. Jewel Evans (3 Sessions)  

    1. Record Keeping

    2. Personnel Matters

    3. Organizational Structure

    4. Systems/Technology

    5. Clergy Tax and Law

  12. Spiritual Gifts- Bishop Dr. Mark Thompson (2 Sessions)  

    1. Self-Care

    2. Personal Sabbath

    3. Meditation

  13. Technology- Rev. Adam Ledgister (4 Sessions)  

    1. Church Technical Equipment Requirements

    2. Virtual Worship Establishment

    3. Facilities Requirements

    4. Cutting-Edge Technologies

  14. The Mechanics of Ministry- Bishop Dr. Mark Thompson (6 Sessions)  (NM)

    1. Preparing for a Funeral

    2. How to conduct a Baptism

    3. Administering Communion

    4. Conducting Weddings

    5. Seasonal Worship Development- Class will develop/lead one of the following: Christmas worship, Ash Wednesday, Foot Washing, etc…

    6. Pulpit/Ministerial Protocol

    7. Public Prayer

    8. Developing the Invitation to Discipleship

    9. Prayers of Confession

    10. Sexual Harassment

  15. Preparation for Ordination (1 Session) Tuition $0.00

    1. This class walks the student through the steps for ordination


Course Specifications:


There are two Classifications of study in the courses described above. The first classification pertains to those who are seeking “Clergy/Ministerial Ordination.” The second classification is for those seeking “Clergy/Ministerial Ordination” along with “Pastoral Appointment.”


For those seeing Clergy/Ministerial Ordination only, sections: 1-4, 7-8, and 13-14 are mandatory course requirements. Whereas those seeking Ordination that leads to Pastoral Appointments, all courses are mandatory in order to be certified as Pastoral trained.

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